Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Dear Baby Girl,

You are still growing and moving as much as ever! Today we got to meet your cousin Marco.  Your Aunt Daniella gave birth to him today.  He will only be a few months older than you and I imagine you guys will be the best of friends.  You are lucky to be born into a family with so many fun and loving people.  We are getting more and more excited for your arrival!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Dear Baby Girl,

You will come to learn that it is Texas tradition to take pictures in the bluebonnets that bloom every spring.  At 22 weeks pregnant, I took you to have your first experience! The weather and lighting were perfect and it was fun to see your cute little baby bump in with all the pretty blue flowers.  Next year it will be even more fun to see you in the bluebonnets since you'll be such a big baby! We can't wait!
