Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Dear Baby Girl,

You are growing! The baby bump officially arrived this week. Mommy's belly seriously grew 3 times it's size in just the last few days. I honestly had people telling me last week that I didn't even look pregnant, and then this week, bam! I am definitely pregnant! I'm so glad you are growing though!

So far you are still being nice to mommy.  I really have nothing I can really complain about. I feel more uncomfortable than I ever remember feeling with your brothers, but that just could be me not remembering. It may turn into a really long pregnancy if I'm already feeling this smooshed and uncomfortable already though!

We had an ultrasound and you are in fact a baby girl. I know we already knew, but it was nice to verify it by seeing it on a screen.  You are healthy with no abnormalities apparent. Daddy and I have been so blessed to have 3 healthy babies with 3 "easy" pregnancies. I know a lot of families don't get the same results we have, so we are very fortunate and grateful!  And we are very fortunate and grateful that you will be joining us soon.  We are almost half way there!



Dear Baby Girl,

Today we told your daddy's side of the family that you would be joining our family.  We sent a card with the announcement and then a surprise that you are a girl!  Everyone was really excited and of course is looking so forward to meeting you.  You are so lucky to have so many people who will always love you and look out for you.  You are blessed baby girl!


Monday, November 16, 2015


Dear Baby Girl,

I can feeling you moving! I'm right at about 16 weeks and I now know for sure that what I am feeling is you moving around!  It starts off just feeling like little air bubbles and then gradually moves to kicks and punches. I love when I get to this point in pregnancy.  Its so fun to feel you moving around in there and it helps me to know that you are alive and healthy.  If you are anything like your brothers, I'll be feeling a lot of you. I hope you are nice and comfy in there and we can't wait to see you soon!
